State Leadership


Georgia TSA's annual culminating state conference of leadership development and competitive events provides our student members opportunities beyond the traditional classroom/laboratory setting which add to their increased knowledge and understanding of an ever- changing technical world. During our Competitive Events Program, GA TSA provides our members with an outlet to exhibit their knowledge and skills through our competitive events and earn awards.

General Information

The Georgia TSA State Leadership Conference will be held March 12- 15, 2025 at The Classic Center in Athens, Georgia. On-time Registration deadline is February 14, 2025. Registration fees are $115 per student and advisor. Chaperones and guest registration fees are $55.


This conference is only open to affiliated chapters. Please pay affiliation before February 1, 2025. Once you have affiliated and paid then National TSA will activate your roster and the EMS will allow you to register for the conference.

Registration fees include lunch on Thursday. Late Online registration must be completed by February 21, 2025 at midnight. Late registration fees are $145 per Advisor/Student Member and $85 for Guests & Chaperones. NO REGISTRATION WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER LATE REGISTRATION CLOSES. After you have registered your chapter members for the conference on-line, advisors will receive an automatic invoice which should be returned with a check to GA TSA by March 1st or paid on-line by that date. Please mail payments to P.O. Box 467 Jesup, GA 31598 or use our on-line PayPal payments link in your EMS Billing Section. Chapter Advisors can only register if they have paid affiliation with National TSA. Your affiliation with Nationals is not complete until paid in full.

Students attending must participate in competitive events.

Chaperones must register and accompany your delegation at the ratio of 1:10. There must be a male and female chaperone if there are male and female students in your delegation. The chaperone rule is strictly enforced. Please plan accordingly.

Voting delegates will be allotted based on membership as of March 1, 2024. Voting delegates are allotted based on the following guidelines: REGARDLESS of which affiliation program that was used to affiliate the chapter: Red, White or Blue CAPs, Each local chapter is entitled to one delegate for up to 24 state and nationally affiliated members, two delegates for 25 members up to 34, and three delegates for chapters which have 35 or more not to exceed three delegates for any one chapter. Each chapter is represented by their voting delegates at the official business meeting and must have and wear their delegate ribbon to be admitted.

No on-site registration will be permitted. Chapters will not be permitted to add events or change student names associated to events at registration. Events may be dropped, but not added. Chapters may substitute one member for another at the event check-in. If the event is not included on the registration form, students will not be allowed in the competition.

State Officer Candidates

Georgia TSA encourages qualified, experienced members to run for state office. Information regarding the responsibilities and commitments required of a state officer are found on the GA TSA Website. Officer Candidate Preliminary Interviews will be held in Athens at the Graduate Hotel on January 25, 2025. Applications are due by January 15, 2025.

Off-Site Event

GA TSA will hold our SLC Electric Vehicle Rally at The Lanier Speedway on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. This event has grown to a point where it had to be moved to a larger venue. The event is open to all to come watch on your way to Athens to check in and register later that evening. Concessions will be available.

General Session Webcasts

GA TSA will broadcast our General Sessions over the internet again this year thanks to the team from Hart County High School TSA Chapter. Details will be found in the Registration Info Pack on our website later.

GA TSA Advertising Partners

Competitive Event Advertising Partners